Archive for April 2011

How to Make and send Metasploit Backdoor [Video]

I was surfing the youtube when i found the following Video which explain is beautifully that how can you infect someone with only Metasploit.
And NOTE:::: In the First step it is not necessary to have Backtrack or Ubuntu. Windows can also work if the Metasploit is installed. Which you can download from here:
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Posted by Anonymous

[Tutorial] How to set up DarkComet 3[Detail Pics]

First, go to the official website of Darkcomet, here. And click on "Download", like on this picture.
[Image: darkcomet1.png]

After clicking "Download", choose the version of DarkComet that you want on the following image, I choose DarkComet FWB 3.2.
[Image: darkcomet2.png]

Check all before downloading.
[Image: darkcomet3.png]

After starting DarkComet you must accept the "Terms and condition".
[Image: darkcomet4.png]

Now, let Darkcomet aside for a moment, You need to register No-IP, by clicking here.
After completing your registration form, you must go on "Manage Hosts".
[Image: darkcomet5.png]

Now click on "Add a Host".
[Image: darkcomet6.png]

After clicking "Add a Host" you must choose a "Hostname".
[Image: darkcomet7.png]

Now you'll need to download "No-IP Dynamic Update Client v3.0.4" but in first, choose your "Operating System".
[Image: darkcomet8.png]

Now that you've chosen your "Operating System"you can download.
[Image: darkcomet9.png]

STEP 10:
Now, you'll need to install No-IP.
[Image: darkcomet10.png]

STEP 11:Now, choose the install location and click on "Next >".
[Image: darkcomet11.png]

STEP 12:
Now, choose start menu folder, and click on Install.
[Image: darkcomet12.png]

STEP 13:
Now you will configure No-Ip, start it and enter your E-mail address & password entered on
[Image: darkcomet13.png]

STEP 14:
Now you must select you Host, check you Host and click on Save.
[Image: darkcomet14.png]

STEP 15:
It's OK, you can start up DarkComet 3.2 FWB. Now you must add server socket.
[Image: darkcomet15.png]

STEP 16:
Now you edit your server, you will choose the "Server module (634,50 KB)".
After clicking on "Server module (634,50 KB) a window called "Server Editor - Installer version <3.0.2>" will appear.

[Image: darkcomet16.png]

STEP 17:
Now you start to edit the server.
[Image: darkcomet15.png]

STEP 18:
Now, must enter your No-IP and test it, if the message is green, it's OK.
After, you can click on "Build module".

[Image: darkcomet18.png]

STEP 19:
Now, you can create the server, save it, and open it.
[Image: darkcomet19.png]

STEP 20:
By opening your server, if it worked,a message at the bottom right of your screen will appear.
[Image: darkcomet20.png]

Here is the final result.
[Image: darkcomet21.png]

Now the server is set up and totally ready.
This article was originally published on :: and written by :: XxHaTeD-RaTeDXx
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Posted by Anonymous

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